The Hunter Dragon is the average dragon that will avoid the players who wear a full set of Alpha Dragon armor. The last one, Alpha Dragon is one of the strongest of all three, he will not flight away from players who wear a full set o armor, so you need to fight with it mandatory. The names of the dragons added by the DragonRealm mod are Scout Dragon, Hunter Dragon, and Alpha Dragon. The DragonRealm Mod gives you an alternative to the EnderDragons that can be found in Minecraft, and everything that brings something new is really well perceived by the players.

There’s nothing to hide that most of the players love to fight with dragons in Minecraft and due to the lack of dragons this was unpleasant for few of you, but starting by now you’re able to experience something really awesome because these 3 new dragons are really powerful.

And for this reason, this mod brings into your Minecraft three new and unique dragons. DragonRealm Mod is very popular between the players who ever wanted the EnderDragon much stronger.