These types of mods add and/or change so much of the vanilla content that it often feels like playing a completely different game. The total conversion mods are arguably the best of the bunch.

RELATED: Mods That Were Even Better Than The Original Game From bug fixes to UI enhancements, mods have all the bases covered. The Steam Workshop is teeming with a plethora of top-notch content that adds even more replayability to a game that is already quite addictive. War goals as major power many nations can declare war on you, most notibly Germany and Britain.Games developed by Paradox Interactive fit hand-in-glove with mods. That being said, if a player takes control of France and is able to iron out all of the country's internal problems and strengthen the military-industrial complex enough before war breaks out, they are in a good position to repulse and defeat both Germany and Italy and annex both countries, thus ending those threats for good. On top of that, the French military leadership is made up of old guards who are inexperienced with modern warfare and dangerously complacent regarding the intentions of their enemies. Should an aggressive adversary like Germany threaten its heartland, France is unlikely to be willing to sustain defensive efforts that could see the entire country devastated. The memory of the Great War is also very much alive, and the people of France are reluctant to fight another major war in Europe. However, their government is divided, with Communist influences threatening to weaken it further. Their heartland in Europe is rich almost half of Africa is under their control, and they have colonies in Indochina, Syria and Guyana, not to mention direct control of islands in all the oceans of the world. France is a major power in 1936, one of the winners of the Great War, and in control of a globe-spanning empire.